
Travel blog from my trip arount Thailand

What is it like to visit the “Land of Smiles”?

Your first tour of Asia is always special. It’s always the one you’ll remember and always the one you’ll look back on as defining the “travel addiction” you now have!. Thailand is where many choose to start and so have we! Listen to our story about our trip to Thailand.

Want to experience the beauty of Thailand? Then take a look at our Group Travel to Thailand or our Group Travel to Asia options!


Become a backpacker in Thailand

If Thailand is the start of your backpacking journey, then you’ll quickly become a seasoned and educated backpacker, learning how to get along with others, how to respect and blend in with another culture and how to haggle for the best prices.

But what did I learn? Where was I and what lessons did I take away from my travels around Asia and specifically Thailand? My journey is right here to share with you!

Beautiful golden temple in Thailand

Where was I?

I started in Bangkok, traveled to Koh Samui and Koh Phangan before heading to Khao Sok National Park and then to the party and palm trees of Koh Phi Phi.

After two weeks in the south, I hopped on the overnight train to Chiang Mai and went hiking in the mountains, sleeping in huts and staying in a local village along the way. Every visit on this route was well worth it and highly recommended.

The Island of Koh Phi Phi was by far my favourite from here because there were no cars, so everything could be accessed on foot, and the whole atmosphere on the island is festive, expectant and fantastic around the clock.

How long was it?

I spent about three weeks traveling around Thailand and I could have easily spent longer, but I had a total of two months in Southeast Asia and I had plans to go to Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and Hong Kong, so I had to move on.

If you’re going to both northern and southern Thailand, I would say that three weeks is an absolute minimum. It’s not easy being on the road all the time, so a month will be time well spent, taking a few multi day breaks,  allowing you to experience local life and soak up various impressions along the way.

Here are my suggestions for how long you can spend in different parts of Thailand:

Bangkok: 3 days

Koh Samui, Koh Phangan & Koh Tao: 12 days

Koh Phi Phi: 5 days

Koh Lanta: 4 days

Chiang Mai: 6 days

Top tip.. when the sun is high and the drinks start flowing in the south, you can easily spend twice as long on each island and not be bored!

Trinus recommended trips and tours in Asia

A women at one of the Gili swings at sunset

Swimming with Manta Rays, get involved in local communities and an epic volcano sunrise are among just a few on things included.

An incredible tour with real purpose taking you to the best beaches, amazing national parks, island trips, and deep delve in the north.

5 people smiling in a blue and yellow Tuk-tuk

The very best way to really experience the awesomeness of Asia by combining the strikingly different countires of Vietnam and Thailand

Highlights of the trip

By far, a definitely highlight of the trip was the atmosphere, the weather, the people on Koh Phi Phi, and the hikes up north in the beautiful nature around Chiang Mai.

Living on an island where there are no cars, where it’s calm and peaceful during the day and where the island turns into a big dance floor in the evening, with the sound of the waves at your side, is just soo cool.

The Chiang Mai area is adventure at its best, where you can get your heart rate up and learn about local life and culture. An obvious place to visit on a tour of Asia.

View of the bays of Koh Phi Phi, Thailand
Food market from the boats og the rivers of Thailand

Budget for your trip

How much money do I need to save for Thailand? That’s a question I asked myself before I left, and it can be difficult to define at home. If you stay in hostels, eat relatively cheaply and don’t spend your entire savings every time you’re in town, then I’d say you can easily get away with only spending around €1,300-€1,600 a month.

I had spent just over €2,700 after two months of travelling in Asia, and during that time I travelled to Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia & Hong Kong.

Happiness when you’re away is not about saving all the time, so go ahead and enjoy life down there, but of course with the knowledge that there is also tomorrow.

If you’re looking for some inspiration and knowledge about backpacking on a budget, we have “10 tips for backpacking on a budget” ready for you.

Lessons learned from the trip

I learned two things that I will use for the rest of my life.

1. Never take the first and the best.

Taking the first and the best, in 30 degrees on an empty stomach and with a 15 kilogram rucksack on your back is never a good decision. I learnt this the hard way several times and it’s worth remembering. Instead, take a breath of fresh air, sit somewhere air-conditioned and eat some good food before making important decisions.

2. Socialize with people at your hostel on the first night.

Your first night in a hostel is important because this is where you find new friends and travel buddies!  Keeping to yourself, staying in your room and thinking “I can’t be bothered tonight” won’t lead to new experiences, new impressions and great travel stories, so rip the band-aid off on your first night and get out there!.
White sandy beach with palmtrees and crystal clear water


Thailand is the perfect place to travel to during your gap year and in addition to some amazing experiences, it also gives you a lot of easy and useful knowledge and travel experience that will benefit you in your future travels.

If you’re about to embark on your first ever backpacking trip, we’re here for you and have of course created a “10 tips for your first backpacking trip” list that will be of great benefit to you.

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