
Facts about Australia

General information about Australia

Language: English
Capital city: Canberra
Population: 22.8 million
Religion: Protestant & Catholic
Currency: Australian dollars (AUD)

Map of Australia with the regions in different colours


The seasons in Australia are the opposite of what we are used to in Europa. This means that they have summer when we have winter and vice versa.

As Australia is very large and spans many climate zones, this means that you can experience almost any kind of weather at the same time, depending on where you are in the country on your tour of Australia.

Time Difference

In Australia, some states have daylight saving time, however, it is the opposite of Europe’s and runs from October to March.

In the states of Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Tasmania and Victoria, there is a time difference of +10 hours from October to March and +8 hours from April to September

In the state of Queensland, the time difference is +9 hours from October to March and +8 hours from April to September

In the states of Northern Territory and Southern Australia, there is a time difference of +9.5 hours from October to March and +7.5 hours from April to September.

In the state of Western Australia, there is a time difference from October to March of +8 hours and from April to September of +6 hours.

In the Northern Territory, from October to March there is a +7.5 hour difference and from April to September there is a +6.5 hour difference.

Visa Regulations

The passport must be valid for 6 months after the return date. A tourist visa is valid for up to 3 months of stay.


Documentation of yellow fever vaccination is required for stays of more than 12 hours in a country with yellow fever. In addition, it is recommended that you are vaccinated against diphtheria/ tetanus.

Sights and attractions

Fraser Island

Visit Fraser Island or K’Gari, as the Aborigines call the island, which means paradise. Fraser Island is the world’s largest sand island. The majority of the island consists of rainforest and plenty of freshwater lakes. One of them is Lake Mckenzie, which is known for its clear water.

Fraser also has wild dogs, called dingoes, that live all over the island and you’re likely to spot them during your visit.

Since the island is made up of sand, you’ll need a four-wheel drive vehicle to transport you around. You can rent four-wheel drive vehicles or go on a guided tour of Fraser Island, which is a real eye-catcher on your adventure trip.

There are tons of things to do in Australia. We’ve compiled a list of 10 things to try during your gap year in Australia to make the best memories on your adventure trip.


In the middle of the Great Barrier Reef lies a tropical paradise that offers exotic beaches with chalky white sand, turquoise waters, a sea of fish, coral and turtles. The Whitsundays are made up of 74 islands, most of which are protected national parks, meaning you’ll find yourself in a paradise of untouched nature and marine life.

A sailing trip in the Whitsundays is the best way to experience it. It typically takes 2-3 days to sail around and visit the different islands in the Whitsundays. In the Whitsundays, there are opportunities to go snorkeling in some of the underwater paradises in the area, which just makes adventure travel even better. One of the biggest reasons people visit the Whitsundays is to get up to Whitehaven Beach, named one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.

Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s longest coral reef, stretching more than 2,500km and consisting of 2,900 coral reefs and hundreds of islands. The Great Barrier Reef offers corals and fish of all colors, sea turtles and much more.

You can also choose to take your diving certification right here. If you’re already certified, you can go on a scuba diving trip to try diving in the world’s largest coral reef. You can also take a snorkeling trip and experience the beautiful life beneath the surface of the sea, as the coral reef is meters below the surface in many places.

Great Ocean Road

A group trip to Australia is the ultimate gap year experience and of course you must experience the Great Ocean Road, Australia’s most beautiful coastline. It’s known for its magnificent scenery, with coastal landscapes, stunning rock formations, rainforest, eucalyptus forests and much more.

The most famous sights on the Great Ocean Road are the 12 Apostles, which are rock formations located in the water. In addition, Apollo Bay is a coastal town that you must experience on your tour of Australia. The town is best known for its lovely beaches.

Blue Mountains

The Blue Mountains are one of the most popular national parks in Australia. The Blue Mountains have beautiful scenery and are known for the rock formations called “The Three Sisters” and the great views from Echo Point.

There are plenty of trails for you to explore. The area is called the Blue Mountains because the oil from eucalyptus leaves produces a blue mist when it evaporates.

Ayers Rock

In the middle of Australia in the outback is Uluru, also known as Ayers rock. Uluru is a rock formation that is 350 meters high and 3.6 kilometers long. The rock formation is stunning, especially when the sun’s rays during sunset and sunrise cause the rock to make the most incredible color changes. Ayers Rock is sacred to the Aborigines as it has great spiritual significance to them.

Freycinet National Park – Tasmania

Explore Freycinet National Park, which offers great walking trails and lookouts to some of the most beautiful bays in Tasmania. Within the National Park you’ll also find Wineglass Bay, ranked in the top 10 most beautiful beaches in the world. A hike up Mount Atmos is highly recommended. The views from the mountain over the national park are stunning.

See also the top 10 photos to take on the Australian East Coast and fill your album with the most breathtaking shots from your tour of Australia.

Daintree National Park

100 kilometers from Cairns, Daintree National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is the world’s oldest tropical rainforest. The Daintree rainforest is 180 million years old and is actually 10 million years older than the Amazon rainforest.

In Daintree National Park, there are many protected and endangered animal species. There are over 450 different species of birds and if you’re lucky, you might see crocodiles or other reptiles. Up at Cape Tribulation, you can see where the rainforest meets the ocean at the Great barrier Reef.

Phillip Island

About 140 kilometers from Melbourne is Phillip Island, known for the little penguins that return to the same beach every day at sunset after being out at sea all day. This is called the penguin parade and can be seen at Summerland Beach.

Phillip Island is also home to Seal Rock, home to the largest seal colony in Australia. You can also visit the Koala Conversation Center, which works to protect the koala. Here you can see many koala bears and learn a lot about them.

There are also great surfing spots on the island, such as Woolamai Surf Beach, so your adventure trip is bound to be exceptional.

Let yourself be enchanted by Australia

You’ll find many incredible spots and beautiful destinations in Australia. There are the well-known areas that are a must-see on an adventure tour of the country, as well as more unknown places that have something truly unique about them. Find and enjoy one of the many gems or experience the popular attractions on your Australia tour. It’s all up to you.

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