
Turtle Conservation and Rehabilitation – Bali


Welcome the new arrivals. You will have lunch and receive a short introduction on the beach to familiarize yourself with this new exciting setting. After that, you will get to know more about Nusa Penida, about the supermarket, ATM etc.


After having breakfast, you will see a presentation about the Turtle Conservation project and also receive a project briefing which will help you to understand the dos and don’ts of the project. After that you will engage in the typical activities you are supposed to do throughout the week such as feeding the turtles, cleaning the tanks, catching live food for turtles and also cleaning the beach. In the evening, you will then see a documentary about Turtles which will help you to widen your knowledge about these amazing creatures.


After having breakfast on Tuesday, you will start cleaning the tanks, feeding the turtles and collecting seaweed and live food for turtles. In addition, you will also create turtle toys, clean the beach and provide medicine for injured turtles if there are any.


After having breakfast on Wednesday, you will start cleaning the tanks, feeding the turtles and collecting seaweed and live food for turtles. In addition, you will also create turtle toys and provide medicine for injured turtles if there are any.

In the evening, you will then engage in some sports activities at the beach where you will play either volleyball, badminton or football.


On Thursday, you will have breakfast and start cleaning tanks, feeding the turtles and collecting seaweed. you will also create turtle toys and provide medicine for injured turtles if there are any. On either Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday you will visit an amazing location called Crystal Bay which has a breathtaking view. Your local coordinators will decide the day on which you visit this exotic location.

Thursday night will be a special one for you to enjoy the welcome and farewell dinner by a Bonfire at the beach. This would be a great opportunity to get to know the newcomers and say goodbye to those who are leaving.


On Friday, after having breakfast, you will feed the turtles and get an amazing opportunity to release turtles into the sea. But please do understand that this opportunity is only if you are leaving the program this week. If you continue another week at the project, you will engage in regular activities at the turtle conservation centre. For those who are leaving the program, there would also be a feedback session regarding the program. After having lunch, you all can engage in activities such as feeding the turtles, cleaning tanks and measuring the turtle growth.

Other activities you would engage in include cleaning the beach, making garbage bins for the local area, creating a Turtles/Environment campaign for the local area, releasing injured turtles after treatment and cleaning the beach, turtles site construction work: such as extra turtle tank or wall, painting the walls etc and collecting turtle information such as length of carapace, size of flippers, checking its weight etc.


Participants not attending any program the following week are required to check out of their accommodation during the day on Saturday.

Indonesia is a critical hub for sea turtle conservation, boasting a diverse range of turtle species that inhabit its extensive coastline. The most common species found in Indonesian waters include the Olive Ridley Turtle, Green Sea Turtle, Hawksbill Turtle, Loggerhead Turtle, and Leatherback Turtle. Indonesia is home to numerous nesting sites where female sea turtles come ashore to lay their eggs. Beaches in places like Java, Bali, Sumatra, and Papua are vital nesting grounds.

Conservation efforts often focus on protecting these sites from human disturbances and preserving suitable conditions for successful nesting. Sea turtles in Indonesian islands face various threats, including habitat destruction due to coastal development, pollution, and climate change. Illegal poaching for meat, eggs, and shells remains a significant concern, and turtles are also vulnerable to accidental capture in fishing gear, impacting their populations.

Turtles are known for their nesting habits, where females lay eggs on sandy beaches. The incubation period and sex determination of turtle eggs are influenced by the temperature during the nesting period. Warmer temperatures typically result in more female hatchlings, while cooler temperatures produce more males. Climate change can pose a threat as it may skew the gender ratio and affect the overall population.

Turtles have a remarkable ability to navigate across oceans, guided by Earth’s magnetic field. They are adapted to life in the water, with streamlined bodies and flipper-like limbs. Turtles are capable of holding their breath for extended periods, but they still need to come to the surface to breathe. They primarily feed on jellyfish, sea grass, and other marine creatures. Turtles face various challenges in their survival journey, including predation, habitat loss, and human-related threats.

  • Turtles are endangered due to a combination of natural and human-induced threats. Some of the primary dangers include:
  • Habitat Destruction: Coastal development and pollution can destroy nesting sites and feeding grounds.
  • Illegal Trade: Turtles and their eggs are often illegally harvested for their meat, shells, and as exotic pets.
  • Fishing Gear: Turtles can get entangled in fishing gear such as nets and longlines, leading to injuries or death.
  • Climate Change: Rising temperatures can impact nesting sites and alter the sex ratios of hatchlings.

The Turtle Conservation project is located on the charming island of Nusa Penida, which is a 45-minute speedboat ride from mainland Bali. The project was established in 2013. As a participant, you will work alongside a local team and help protect the endangered sea turtles of Indonesia. You will contribute to conserving the turtles by working at our turtle conservation centre.

Depending on the time of the year since turtles do not nest all year round, you may be identifying turtle species, collecting eggs, monitoring nests or seeing hatchlings get safely to sea. In fact, as part of the marine ecosystem, turtles play a key role in keeping seagrass beds and coral reefs healthy. These, in turn, are important sources of food and shelter for countless marine species.

Moreover, the project has had engagement from the local communities from the beginning. This has been a catalyst for the drastic reduction of sea turtle poaching and for strengthening communities’ capacities to play a crucial role in the protection of the species.

Finally, You must be prepared for a more basic standard of living on the island, with fewer shops and attractions available (bearing in mind the beach is practically at your doorstep)! Besides that, you may also have the best time throughout your stay as you will engage in fun, relaxing and recreational activities held after a long day of your program alongside other participants.

The Turtle Conservation project is located on the charming island of Nusa Penida.

Work alongside a local team and help protect the endangered sea turtles of Indonesia. Through this program, you will contribute to protecting the turtle population in Nusa Penida by working at our turtle conservation center. Depending on the time of the year (turtles do not nest all year round), you may be identifying turtle species, collecting eggs, monitoring nests, or seeing hatchlings get safely to sea.

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  • Transfer upon arrival and departure
  • Flights
  • Insurance

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